Friday, September 18, 2009

Never thought I'd be on a boat... Just a big blue watery road...

I am no good at thinking of titles of my you can probably already tell. Blogs are usually (well my blogs anyway) full of random words and thoughts.

Although I believe in the goodness of people, I also believe in the selfishness and meanness in people. And I have also learned to not have high expecations of people, if to even have any expectation of people at all. Even your friends. Because you are probably just setting yourself up for disapointment. I am talking about many situations and people here but condensing it into a few sentences. Something happens and you think people might change and try to be a better person because of what happens, but instead they let you down and don't change. Or they change into something worse.

You are lucky if you can count your good friends on one hand. This is what I have to keep telling myself after I am repeatedly disapointed by my friends actions. Like they drop you because they have better things/people that have come into their life. But then they want you around for a special occasion or they want you around because they randomly feel like talking to you. I have many friends like this. And it makes me sad. But then I am reminded by the people who are there for me when I am mad or sad, who listen patiently to my rantings and ravings and then make me feel better afterwards. Who are reassuring when you hate yourself or think the world is out to get you. Who are still your friend even though they have seen your crazy side and still love you. I am lucky to have that. So thank you to the people that although I have gotten into arguments with we are better friends because of the arguments, who have stood by my side and been there through thick and thin, who care about how my day went and who I can talk to about anything. You know who you are.